We are branching into small production of locally-bred queens.
We produce all of our own queens for our hives and bank extra queens to sell locally. These queens are grafted or created from our own hives. We select our best queens to use as breeder queens. We look for characteristics such as high honey production, quick spring build up, mite hygienic characteristics, and gentleness.
We are also exploring Purdue mite-chewing queen prodigy, a hygienic bee line. Hygienic bee stock may be the future of sustainable bee keeping. The Purdue mite chewing genetic trait is to chew the legs of Varroa mites and groom them off other bees.
The Varroa mite is the number one cause of colony failures since the mite also transmits more than 8 known viruses that are detrimental to bees.
Call for availability, usually June-August. After the summer equinox is a great time to re-queen your hive for fall buildup of strong winter stock.

Grafted Queen cell cups, two days old.
We sell our locally-breed queens for $35 each.